It’s me. Hi! I’m Liz!

BSc Physiotherapy
Masters Physiotherapy (Women’s & Pelvic Health)

Hi! I’m Liz. I hold a post graduate master’s qualification in Women’s and Pelvic Health Physiotherapy and I’m a titled Men’s, Women’s and Pelvic Health Physiotherapist based in Perth, Western Australia. 

I am interested in everything women’s health! From endometriosis, incontinence and prolapse, pregnancy and postpartum recovery and everything in between.

I am a passionate Swiftie! When I’m not rocking out to Taylor Swift, umpiring a game of netball or crafting the day away you can find me helping my patient’s navigate their pelvic health journey.

I can’t wait to work with you!

We’re women, and we get it

We’re a team of women and we get it. Just because we know something is good for us, doesn’t mean we always follow through
(we’re still not totally on board with green smoothies ourselves).

But you deserve to feel your best self! So, we’re on a mission to remove the barriers that keep women from seeing a physiotherapist.

And what are these barriers, you ask? The biggest reasons we hear from patients about why they put off seeing a physio, even when they’re experiencing pain or discomfort, are knowledge, time, logistics and feeling awkward.


Some women live with discomfort, pain or having a little panic every time they sneeze, because they think after they become a mum, these things are ‘normal.’ They’re common, sure, but they don’t have to be part of your everyday life.

Our mission is to give women the knowledge to really understand their bodies, and what they can do if something doesn’t feel quite right.

Time & logistics

You’re a strong, independent women just like Beyoncé, and sometimes, you just want to rock a mum bun and some comfy PJs, as you blast some old school R&B. We’re 100% here for it!

Finding the time for an appointment can feel impossible when you need to factor in the logistics of childcare, travel time and parking.

This is why Inlet Physio is a mobile service. We offer in home support to save you time so you can spend it doing the things that are important to you (like giving yourself 10 minutes to enjoy your morning coffee while it’s still hot).

The awkward factor

You never have to feel awkward with Inlet Physio! As women, we truly get it.

Our bodies change so much throughout our lifetime and you need to feel comfortable talking about what’s going on for you.

We’re on a mission to help women feel more comfortable talking about their body and banish any awkward feelings around pregnant or postpartum bodies, prolapse or incontinence.


You are strong, you are invincible, you are woman.

— And don’t you forget it!

You’re a woman and your body is an absolute powerhouse! We’re here to keep reminding you of that.

If you’re looking for expert physiotherapists who know their stuff when it comes to women’s health, look no further. You’ve found us.

We can’t wait to meet you and get you feeling back to your best self.